Friday, December 24, 2010

Expressway Family Centre Tree Auction...

I have been so busy the last month that I haven't had time to post so I thought I'd share a little Christmas inspiration with all of you who check in on my blog.  These layouts were created to donate to the Expressway Family Centre's Annual Twisted Tree Auction on November 25th.    I have to say it's always a blast to go to this event and this year was no different.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas gifts

So I had to get a present ready to mail off and wanted to send something special with it since we won't be seeing this special someone at Christmas.  I created a bookmark.  Nothing fancy, but I thought it was cute.

We also mailed out some "Magic Reindeer Food" so Santa will find them this year too!  The kids loved this and couldn't wait to use it.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

New Scrapbook Room!!!!

I've been allowed to move my scrapbook stuff into it's own room in our house!!!  I'm so excited!  It's not a very big room, but it'll be great to hide all my stuff away from the boys.  Lachlan's becoming quite a little monster when it comes to getting into my craft stuff.  Here's the before picture of my scrapbook area downstairs in our living space...

And now, my newly painted scrapbook room...

Once I get all my stuff in and organized again (you saw the amount of stuff I have LOL!)  I'll post some more pictures.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Crop time in Virden

So I headed out to Virden for the night out with some amazing ladies.  This is what I spent my night doing.  Creating little bears that will be put on layouts to sell in the new year.  These guys are so cute!