Friday, August 13, 2010

Name tags

Well I had the opportunity to get to my scrapbook desk today and I just had to make some name plates for these awesome boxes I purchased from Walmart for $5 for all 3!  They were in the clearance area and I had photo boxes on my list to purchase so that when I have memorabilia for my boys I can put it into their box and keep it organized and off my table until I scrapbook it.  It also helps me remember what items belong to which child LOL!  They are slightly bigger than a photo box, but who cares when you can find a deal like that : )  I used some scraps of paper since my scrap pile is getting very large ( I really need to tackle that next in my organizing), my barely used border punches, and even pulled out an old pair of decorative scissors.

My tip for today is use what you have!  You don't always have to have the newest and latest items.  Go though your stash and see how you can use items that you've had for a while and bring them back to life.  


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