Monday, February 28, 2011

So Very True

So I know I haven't written out any of my boys birth stories yet (I am in the process), but when I saw this layout I was so inspired to use the same design for my layout.  It just seemed to fit the papers I wanted to use.  Although I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Chelsea yet the Design Team at Love is in the Details are a bunch of amazing gals AND if you didn't know already, 2 of them were featured in the Spring 2011 Canadian Scrapbook Magazine (Amber and Lisa).  Great job gals!  There was a little (okay more than a little) mix up when they put the layouts with the bio so here's the link to the correct layouts from Jackie.


Chelsea said...

I just saw this, Alicia, that is awesome and I'm glad I could bring you some inspiration!!!!

Alicia Talbot said...

Thanks Chelsea! I love your work!