Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Whirlwind Weekend...

So I had the opportunity to bring my store along with me to a crop in Swan Lake, Manitoba and it was a blast!  I finished 21 pages!  That made 14 layouts (some 1 page and some 2 page layouts).  I also made it about half way through my 3 Angel albums that I created at a class in Brandon back in February and completed a few other little projects while I was there.  It was so much fun!  And the gals out there are hilarious!!!  We laughed so hard that just thinking about it my sides still ache.  I had a great time and unfortunately forgot to take a picture of my usual messy station, but I'll post some pictures of some of the layouts later on this week.

Now that we're back home I've been busy putting my store back together and I am happy to say we're back to normal.  We have lots of new product (flowers, brads, jewels, stickers, paper...) and it's all out in the store to view.  Here's a little peek...

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